When involved in D/s or other BDSM relationships, you will find that head spaces are just something that happens. You may not have names for them, but chances are you will have experienced them. This goes for both Dominant's and Submissive's.
Submissive head-spaces
There are many kinds of head-space that come about depending on how and why you submit. All of them are beautiful and wonderful. All of them can be of varying degrees of intensity and all of them can happen or come about differently.
It is hard to explain, so I will try and explain what happens to me.
I have my normal head-space that is just me doing whatever. It is nothing special. My mind is often busy thinking about normal day to day things, it wants to keep occupied and spends an awful lot of time thinking about the past or the future.
Then my Husband gives me a command and suddenly my head goes from normal-space to a light form of Submissive mindset. I am not going to call it subspace because that is something different from what I am trying to explain. Basically a wall of calm washes over me. My mind stills and becomes light and receptive. Everything is suddenly focused on him. It is a fantastic and addictive feeling, it is like walking meditation. Everything is completely here and now, this moment. Grounded, centered on pleasing him and doing as told.
Everything is still and perfect and all I want to do is listen to his words and focus on pleasing. Of course I get very aroused easily in this mindset, and this is fine and fantastic.
Sometimes the head spaces are different. Sometimes I have serious ones and other times they are completely playful. The playful childlike one is what many call little space with slight age regression, oh is it wonderful! All my cares and worries melt away and I do wish I could stay like that forever.
As we grow in our relationship, the head-space's will start to happen more and I do look forward to this very much.
These mindsets are like small but powerful space-space, but I do not want to include too much of that here because I will be writing a whole post on it soon.
Basically, I know I am his. There is no doubt in my mind at all. Every part of my body is owned and possessed by him but I completely feel it is my soul. I am ready to serve him with everything I have.
Dominant head-spaces
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